Our CSC Community Pharmacies are home to a knowledgeable and caring staff that takes pride in making your prescription fillings a convenient & helpful process with affordable prices.
The CSC Community Pharmacy is located in nine of the CareSouth Carolina medical centers. Next day delivery is provided to all the CareSouth Carolina medical centers. CareSouth Carolina patients can simply ask any staff member about the pharmacy and can start receiving their medications right away. Even if you are not a CareSouth Carolina patient, the CSC Community Pharmacy is open to all and is probably the right place for you and your family.
In addition, CSC Community Pharmacies offer free at-home delivery at the following pharmacies:
If you would like to set up at-home delivery, please give the pharmacies a call.
You can ask any staff member at any of CareSouth Carolina’s locations across the Pee Dee about our pharmacy. They will be happy to answer questions and share the benefits with you.
All CSC Community Pharmacy locations are open from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday.
CSC Community Pharmacy Locations