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CareFirst Carolina Foundation

A Foundation Dedicated to Better Health for all of Us

Donate Now

CareFIRST Carolina is an independent supporting foundation dedicated to financially supporting the mission of CareSouth Carolina. Together, we provide and improve access to health and support services to those who need them most. It is the first regional foundation to focus on improving the access and the quality of primary health care in the Pee Dee region of South Carolina.

A donation to CareFIRST Carolina is directed toward two basic categories: improving access to care for those in need and improving the health of people in care. We are building a healthier community and serving as the catalyst for improving the system of care.

Sponsor a team or donate to our MILES OF SMILES golf tournament to be held Wednesday May 15, 2024: 

Support our TIM BROWN Family Nurse Practitioner Frances Marion University Scholarship Fund


 Sponsor a team or donate to our Clay Shoot Fundraiser

Friends and Neighbors Fund

Approximately half of the patients provided primary care at CareSouth Carolina health centers are uninsured. Many need specialty care (cardiology consults, urology consults, endocrinologists etc)  or additional diagnostic services (CT or MRIs). Unfortunately, there is no funding available to pay for these and many other services.

The Friends and Neighbors fund was created to fill that void. It provides financial assistance tqualified CareSOUTH Carolina patients for specialty care like Mammograms, pathology testing, specialty OB/GYN care, eye exams, emergency dental assistance, specialty provider consultations, emergency medications and other services for patients in desperate, emergency need.

Miles of Smiles Dental Program

Through the foundation, CareSouth Carolina was able to launch its dental program and is now providing services to children in need who have no other access at schools across the Pee Dee region. They are also providing services at head start centers, disability and special needs centers and other community locations. Due to the dire need in our area, the foundation continues to support the expansion of these services to those who need them most in our communities.

Ways to Give

The CareFirst Carolina Foundation is very fortunate to have the support of hundreds of donors who understand the importance of our mission. From individuals to corporate partners, we are continually honored by the trust that is placed in us and the work that we do together. There are a number of ways for you to make a contribution.

The CareFIRST Carolina Foundation is a proud partner of the United Way programs in Hartsville, Dillon and Chesterfield Counties. 

Connect with the Foundation


Mark Sobiski, Foundation Director
PO Box 1090
300 West Home Avenue
Hartsville, SC 29551
843-857-0111 ext:1446


Board of Directors

  • Mary Mack, President
  • Janice Rozier Vice President
  • Karen Currin, CPA Secretary/Treasurer
  • Leon Johnson
  • Ennis Bryant, Sr.
  • Matt Moody
  • Dr. Naida L. Singleton
  • Karen Short
  • Dr. Flossie Jackson

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who benefits from my donation?
Your donations are used to support all individuals and families in our five county service area that are patients of CareSouth Carolina, Inc.

2. Is CareFIRST Carolina a non-profit institution?
YES, CareFIRST Carolina Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 Type 1, non-profit supporting foundation serving the needs of CareSouth Carolina, a community health center and its patients. CareSouth Carolina is also a not-for profit institution and its stakeholders are the people in all the communities we serve. Our dollars will go to assist those in greatest need and provide them proper medical assessment and services.

3. Will my donation be used locally?
Yes! Your dollars will go into our regional “Friends and Neighbors fund” and will be used to help your friends and neighbors that come into any of our nine CareSouth facilities and need a helping hand. The funds will be used to help them access needed medications, specialty services, or help support our board initiatives to bring additional medical services to our communities.
Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Lee, and Marlboro Counties are served.

CareFIRST Carolina Newsletter

'The Caring Connection' CareFirst Foundation Winter 2020

'The Caring Connection' CareFirst Foundation Summer 2021

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