Affordable Care Act enrollment period extended

Affordable Care Act enrollment period extended

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is extending the Affordable Care Act special enrollment period by three months to August 15, 2021.

Certified by the CMS, CareSouth Carolina staff are available and offer free assistance educating the community and helping individuals complete an application for coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace created through the Affordable Care Act.

We have Certified Application Counselors on staff to help you navigate through the web-based health insurance site,

The Marketplace is a new way to find health coverage that fits your budget and meets your needs. With one application, you can see all your options and enroll. Every health insurance plan in the new Marketplace will offer essential health benefits, including doctor visits, preventative care, hospitalization, prescriptions, and more. The Marketplace can compare plans based on price, benefits, quality, and other features important to you before you make a choice. You can call any CareSouth Carolina health center for assistance.

To reach a Certified Application Counselor, you can call 1-866-498-0399.

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