February is Heart Awareness Month

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Americans. As a matter of fact, one in four deaths are caused by heart disease.

The good news? Heart disease is largely preventable and can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle, managing proper nutrition and identifying problems before they start.

In February, communities around the U.S. will celebrate American Heart Month, which will bring awareness and education about cardiovascular diseases and how to prevent them.

5 symptoms of heart disease…

  • Chest discomfort or pain, which also can be known as “Angina”
  • Shortness of breath
  • Palpitations (irregular heartbeats)
  • Weakness, dizziness or nausea
  • Pain that spreads to the arm

5 ways to prevent heart disease…

  • Control your blood pressure
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Limit alcohol, don’t smoke
  • Manage stress

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms or want more information on how to prevent or treat heart disease, please schedule an appointment by calling 866-498-0399.

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