Help Protect Health Centers from 340B Discriminatory Contracting

Health center advocates, we need your help! The South Carolina House of Representatives is currently looking at a bill (S359) which we believe would protect health centers from a practice known as 340B discriminatory contracting. As you know, health centers and our patients benefit greatly from the 340B Program. However, some third parties, such as insurers, pharmacy benefits managers, and MCOs, are undercutting health centers’ reimbursement for drugs purchased through the 340B Program. Here’s what you can do to help:

1) Look up your House member(s) and their contact information here –
2) Contact their office and indicated your support for S359. Say this legislation would ensure health centers continue to fully utilize the benefits of the federal 340B Program, which benefits the communities and constituents they represent.

Below is a summation of the bill:
S. 359 Pharmacy Benefit Manager Bill
Establish a licensing requirement for Pharmacy Benefit Mangers and prohibits a Pharmacy Benefit Manger from restricting or penalizing a pharmacy for disclosing certain information concerning the cost of medications. Allows the Department of Insurance to enforce the provisions of the law. Allows a pharmacy to submit records in an electronic format or by certified mail and prohibits certain errors from serving as the sole basis of rejection of a claim.

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