

Community organizations partner to deliver food in Chesterfield County

Community organizations partner to deliver food in Chesterfield County

CareSouth Carolina and the CareFIRST Carolina Foundation partnered with Harvest Hope Food Bank, Duke Energy and many other local organizations to help disperse 250 boxes of shelf stable foods to…

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A Strong Public Health System Requires A Strong System of Community Health Centers

As healthcare workers across the nation continue to be on the frontlines while fighting the COVID-19 spread, a strong system of community health centers are required for the public health…

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CareSouth Carolina partnering with local Councils on Aging

CareSouth Carolina partnering with local Councils on Aging

CareSouth Carolina is partnering with the Councils on Aging in Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington and Dillon Counties to distribute meals to seniors age 60 and older who have health disparities and…

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FAQs: Telehealth visits at CareSouth Carolina

FAQs: Telehealth visits at CareSouth Carolina

CareSouth Carolina is providing telehealth visits for its patients as a way to promote social distancing and help fight the spread of COVID-19. Here are some frequently asked questions about…

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FAQs: Curbside Pick-up at CSC Community Pharmacies

FAQs: Curbside Pick-up at CSC Community Pharmacies

For the convenience and safety of all of its customers, CSC Community Pharmacies have initiated curbside pickup and drop-off to assist in fighting the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the…

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COVID-19 update with CEO Ann Lewis (April 6, 2020)

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CareSouth Carolina Offices Closed on Friday, April 10th

CareSouth Carolina offices will be closed on Friday, April 10, 2020 in observance of Good Friday.

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Dr. Stephen Smith explains Telehealth during COVID-19

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CareSouth Carolina providing remote counseling services

CareSouth Carolina providing remote counseling services

CareSouth Carolina is offering behavioral health services remotely via TELETherapy as a way to continue to provide a complete patient experience during the COVID-19 outbreak. TELETherapy services allow for convenient…

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CareSouth Carolina providing remote patient visits via telehealth

CareSouth Carolina providing remote patient visits via telehealth

CareSouth Carolina is providing telehealth visits for its patients as a way to promote social distancing and help fight the spread of COVID-19. Patients who would desire a regularly-scheduled follow-up…

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CSC Community Pharmacies Offering Curbside Pickup

CSC Community Pharmacies Offering Curbside Pickup

For the convenience and safety of all of its customers, CSC Community Pharmacies have initiated curbside pickup and drop-off to assist in fighting the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in the…

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COVID-19 update with CEO Ann Lewis (March 30)

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Frequently Asked Questions: Visiting CareSouth Carolina during COVID-19 outbreak

Frequently Asked Questions: Visiting CareSouth Carolina during COVID-19 outbreak

For the safety and well-being of our patients and staff members, CareSouth Carolina is implementing several changes to its normal patient experience. As the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak continues to spread…

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COVID-19: CareSouth Carolina County Updates

COVID-19: CareSouth Carolina County Updates

Chesterfield County County Offices: Chesterfield County Government offices will remain open and operational, continuing to provide essential services. However, in an effort to minimize the threat of spread of the…

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CSC Community Pharmacy to Offer Curbside Pickup

Our CSC Community Pharmacy wants to make it easy for all of our customers! Simply call your local CSC Community Pharmacy for curbside pickup! Bishopville and McColl CSC Community Pharmacies…

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CEO Ann Lewis provides COVID-19 update (Mar. 23)

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Dr. Smith provides update on COVID-19

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COVID-19 update with CEO Ann Lewis

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Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve”

Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve”

Check out this article in the Washington Post that shows simulations of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak and what we can do to “flatten the curve.” “Fortunately, there are other ways…

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Dr. Stephen Smith provides COVID-19 update

Dr. Stephen Smith provides COVID-19 update

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Care Innovations' 10th annual Mardi Gras Gala postponed

Care Innovations' 10th annual Mardi Gras Gala postponed

HARTSVILLE, S.C. — Care Innovation’s 10th annual Mardi Gras Gala, originally scheduled for Saturday, April 18 at the DeLoach Center on the campus of Coker University, has been postponed until…

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Managing Our Fears and Anxieties in the age of COVID-19

Managing Our Fears and Anxieties in the age of COVID-19

The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak is impacting every aspect of our lives. It is a normal human response to develop increased fears, worries and anxieties in times of uncertainty. Anxiety may…

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A Message to our Patients, Staff and Community About the Coronavirus COVID-19

For 40 years, CareSouth Carolina has served as a medical home — a place where people experience healing, caring relationships that transform lives and our communities for the better. As…

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CareSouth Carolina postpones Spring Fling, Ribbon Cutting in McColl

CareSouth Carolina postpones Spring Fling, Ribbon Cutting in McColl

In an abundance of caution for the community, CareSouth Carolina has announced the postponement of the Spring Fling, Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening at the McColl Health & Wellness Center,…

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CareSouth Carolina Actively Monitoring COVID-19

CareSouth Carolina Actively Monitoring COVID-19

CareSouth Carolina is actively monitoring the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) and is taking measures to ensure the safest experience possible for our communities, patients and staff members. CareSouth Carolina has been…

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March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer or rectal cancer, is diagnosed in more than 130,000 Americans each year. It is the second-most common cause of cancer-related deaths in the…

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Historical Artifacts showcased in McColl Health & Wellness Center

Historical Artifacts showcased in McColl Health & Wellness Center

McColl, S.C. — In the midst of CareSouth Carolina’s state-of-the-art, brand-new facility in McColl lies a remnant of artifacts dedicated to remembering the past. When looking at artwork for the…

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CareSouth Carolina set to host Spring Fling in McColl

CareSouth Carolina set to host Spring Fling in McColl

McColl, S.C. – Hundreds of Pee Dee residents will make their way up to the town of McColl for CareSouth Carolina’s Spring Fling, Ribbon Cutting and Grand Opening event Saturday,…

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CareSouth Carolina's Lauren Worsham earns National Certificate

BENNETTSVILLE, S.C. – CareSouth Carolina’s Lauren Worsham MSN, APRN, CPNP-PC, PMHS,, has earned the national added qualifications credential of Pediatric Primary Care Mental Health Specialist (PMHS®) after successfully passing the…

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Coronavirus: What is it? How is it spread? Who is at risk?

Coronavirus: What is it? How is it spread? Who is at risk?

Here’s some helpful information on the Coronavirus on its symptoms, prevention and who is at risk.

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Moments with the CEO Ann Lewis: February 2020

Visit with CareSouth Carolina CEO Ann Lewis and get the latest updates on what is going on around the organization. #caresouthcarolina #welcomehometobetterhealth

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CareSouth Carolina CEO Ann Lewis featured in Pee Dee Life Magazine

CareSouth Carolina CEO Ann Lewis was featured in the spring issue of Pee Dee Life Magazine for her work in helping ensure quality healthcare in the area for 40 years….

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A Tour of the McColl Health & Wellness Center

A Tour of the McColl Health & Wellness Center

The McColl Health & Wellness Center has a total of 28,992 square-feet and offers complete family medical services with state-of-the-art technology to the people of Marlboro County.

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CareSouth Carolina presents $1,500 to CareFIRST Carolina Foundation

CareSouth Carolina presents $1,500 to CareFIRST Carolina Foundation

CareSouth Carolina presented a $1,500 check Monday to the CareFIRST Carolina Foundation as part of the proceeds from the Run2Care 5K event held in 2019. More than 140 runners and…

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November 2019 Employee of the Month - Sheila Huggins

Everybody please join us in Congratulating Sheila Huggins on being our November 2019 Employee of the Month. Sheila has been employed with CareSouth Carolina since March of 2005. She works…

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December 2019 Employee of the Month - Daronda Price

Congratulations to Daronda Price on being our December 2019 Employee of the Month. Daronda has been employed with CareSouth Carolina since August of 2015. She works in our Chesterfield location…

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January 2020 Employee of the Month - Tonia Cook

Congratulations to Maco “Tonia” Cook on being our January 2020 Employee of the Month. Tonia has been employed with CareSouth Carolina since March of 2015. She works in our Bennettsville…

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Caring for Someone Sick

Caring for Someone Sick

The CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 26 million flu illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000 deaths from flu. Flu is a contagious respiratory illness…

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CareSouth Carolina grocery shopping with patients

CareSouth Carolina grocery shopping with patients

More than 5,500 of CareSouth Carolina’s patients have been diagnosed with diabetes and many are admittedly struggling with their diet. To resolve this issue, the organization has formulated a program…

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Mardi Gras Gala - April 18, 2020

Our 10th Annual Mardi Gras Gala to be held Saturday, April 18, 2020 from 6:00pm – 11:00pm at the Deloach Center at Coker University in Hartsville, SC. Don’t miss this…

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Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Flu

Healthy Habits to Help Prevent Flu

The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread…

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National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - February 7

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - February 7

Every year, on February 7, individuals and organizations across the nation participate in National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) to promote HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and community involvement in black/African…

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CareSouth Carolina's Lee to host a Happy Healthy Day!

CareSouth Carolina Provider Ryann Charisse Lee, APRN, will be providing Diabetes and Hypertension education on February 14th at the Chesterfield Library.

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Building Partnerships to Improve Health in the Rural South: CareSouth Carolina

Building Partnerships to Improve Health in the Rural South: CareSouth Carolina Case Study article:        

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CareSouth Carolina provides $89.3 million impact to Pee Dee community

CareSouth Carolina provides $89.3 million impact to Pee Dee community

CareSouth Carolina provided more than $89.3 million in total economic impact, according to the latest Value & Impact report from Capital Link. Capital Link is a non-profit organization that has…

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Love Your Heart: February is American Heart Month

Love Your Heart: February is American Heart Month

One person dies every 48 seconds in the United States from heart disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in Americans. One in four deaths are caused by…

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McColl Health & Wellness Center Pharmacy opens

After months of development, CareSouth Carolina opened a state-of-the-art pharmacy inside its 28,992 square-foot McColl facility in February. The CSC Community Pharmacy is a full-service pharmacy that looks to provide…

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CSC Community Pharmacy set to open in McColl

CSC Community Pharmacy set to open in McColl

McColl, S.C. — After months of development, CareSouth Carolina will open a state-of-the-art pharmacy inside its 28,992 square-foot McColl facility on Monday. The CSC Community Pharmacy is a full-service pharmacy…

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CareSouth Carolina Career Fair - February 22, 2020

                CareSouth Carolina will host a Career Fair on Saturday, February 22, 2020 at its Hartsville Medical Location at 1268 S. Fourth Street,…

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Invision Diagnostics Mobile 3D Mammography Unit - February 21, 2020

Invision Diagnostics Mobile 3D Mammography Unit will be at CareSouth Carolina Bishopville located at 545 Sumter Highway, Bishopville, SC on February 21st from 10am to 4pm. To schedule an appointment,…

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